Did it ever happen to you to choose to permanently delete files and then to realize that you may have still needed them? The feelings and emotions that come after coming to such a conclusion are horrible. You feel bad and ashamed at the same time, thinking that you hasted into deleting files that you could still use. And the worst part is that you didn’t throw them in the Recycle Bin, from where they can be easily restored. For many of us, there’s no way out of this situation. It is impossible to see the light at the end of the tunnel when you can’t come up with a solution to get the lost files back.
Well, believe it or not, there is good news for you concerning this aspect. Permanently deleted files are not forever lost, in spite of the fact that they are “permanently” deleted, at least according to your computer. Is there a solution that will restore files that don’t seem to be anywhere in your computer? Yes, there is one type of file recovery software called EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard. It is the kind of software anyone can access and use without having to worry about the lack of knowledge in the IT sector. This free data recovery software won’t pose any issues when you download, install, and use it to recover any lost files.
But, considering that it is so easy and simple to use, does EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard actually work? While most of us are used to free things that are never of the expected quality, try to change this conception when it comes to EaseUS. We personally tried this data recovery software, to see if the claims are valid. Also, it is worth mentioning that EaseUS can also provide a paid version, for those that want to enjoy advanced data recovery services. The free version of this file recovery software was made to offer everyone the chance to get back files deleted out of an accident, Recycle Bins emptied without checking their content first, and data lost due to various reasons. With EaseUS, you don’t have to take your computer, laptop, or any other device as an expert for this kind of operations. You now have software that gives you the power to recover your data in no time. And the best part is that it doesn’t cost you a dime.
Now, getting back to the part where we’re supposed to tell you how it works and if it works. Well, we are more than delighted to say that EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard does work and it works extremely simple and effective. Once you downloaded it and installed the software on your device, you just need to select the desired section of your computer, from where the files went missing, and click on the “Recover” button.

Let’s take the Recycle Bin example in this case. If you permanently deleted files from the Recycle Bin by choosing to empty it, you will have to select Recycle Bin before starting the recovery process. Then, just allow the file recovery software to do its job. It will take just a few minutes before you will start seeing the lost files coming back to you like magic.

So now you can easily recover your files.