How to Extract/Unzip .tar Files in Linux

Today’s many files are available on web in compressed format. The files may be images,videos, documents,source code of projects etc. Some compressed formats are very popular like .zip, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, etc. So our this tutorial is based on Extract procedure of compressed files in Linux. The .tar compression technique mostly used for Linux user, many Linux software are come in compressed (.tar) format. For example your new internet dongle drivers for Linux,your printer drivers,any other third party software, these are available in compressed format. What is tar files: A TAR file is an archive file that contains one or more[…]

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IDM Alternative in Linux (Kali Linux)

When the peoples switch Linux from windows. they feel uncomfortable because they can not find the right way to achieve his goal.But we all know Linux is Source of Possibilities. In windows OS many peoples use idm (Internet Download Manger) to download his files. IDM gives many services so every one like this software. When we move on Linux then we missed idm. and idm does not release any version for Linux.But Don’t worry as i before say Linux is Source of Possibilities, Here the many alternatives of idm. But today we talk about Flareget.Flareget support all major Linux distributions.[…]

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