Freecharge ODDEVEN Offer Vulnerability Get Assured Cashback

Hello users, you all know freecharge ODDEVEN promo code where user received cashback if their order id and date type matched. Odd Order ID + ODD Date = Rs 20 Cashback Even Order ID + Even Date = Rs 20 Cashback But in this offer we cannot sure that we received cash back or not.  All about luck!!!! No their is no luck we can control all things via following some steps. steps are given below. Step 1: You need a desktop browser like chrome or firefox as your choice. Open  in a tab and login your account. Open[…]

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How to Solve “the ‘grub-pc’ package failed to install into /target/” Error

This grub-pc package error normally occur while installing Ubuntu or Elemenatry OS. This error occurred because we cannot boot a UEFI system through grub-pc.So UEFI system needs grub-efi package to boot our system. in order to load grub-efi package during installation just connects your system with internet and see all things done automatically. Don’t compulsory to download third party updates during installation. Behind The Scene: We can use both UEFI & legacy BIOS mode for installation purpose. which we select, it’s depends on several factors like: If other system (win7, 8 or GNU Linux) install in UEFI mode, then Linux[…]

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How to Solve Segmentation fault while updating Kali Linux 2.0 Sana

We all know that Kali Linux 2.0 (sana) is roll out on Aug 11,2015. Kali Linux introduce various updates in new version. Some are described below: Continuously Updated Tools, Enhanced Workflow Kali 2.0 now natively supports KDE, GNOME3, Xfce, MATE, e17, lxde and i3wm Metasploit Community / Pro no longer ships in Kali We hope you enjoy the new look, features, tools, and workflow. During Kali Linux update A segmentation fault error occurred like this: root@kali:~# root@kali:~# apt-get update Segmentation fault Reading package lists… Done root@kali:~#  Segmentation fault solution: Open sources.list  file via following commands in your system terminal. root@kali:~# leafpad /etc/apt/sources.list[…]

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How to Remove Result Queue Error on RTU Website (

Many times student faces a result queue problem on RTU result servers.when a result declared by university then every one which appear in exam want to see own result. But the rtu… you know what. then you try a alternate way which is provided by arun batar . But here is also queue system. Don’t worry we did not give you a alternative. But we have trick where you can access whole result without any queue. When we enter    url in address bar then a error message appear via java script which says : “You are in Queue”[…]

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How to Access android file in Linux/Ubuntu/Linux Mint

As you know many times we want to transfer our files though mobile to computer, or computer to mobile. then first step for all procedure is that we connect our android device with our system. we can also transfer file via make a ftp server on our android mobile. we talk latter on this. So current our goal is transfer file from computer to android mobile Access android file in Linux. Here we use MTP (Media Transfer Protocol) for access android files in computer. The Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) is an extension to the Picture Transfer Protocol (PTP) communications protocol that allows media[…]

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Linux interview questions Part 1

Q 1. Tell me the ways to see the process that listens a specific TCP port ? Ans. We can use  lsof & netstat  to listens a specific TCP port.  lsof : list open files including ports. netstat : The netstat command symbolically displays the contents of various network-related data and information. Q 2. What is a run level ? Ans. A run level is a state of init and the whole system that defines what system services are operating. Run levels are identified by numbers. Some system administrators use run levels to define which subsystems are working, e.g., whether X is running, whether the[…]

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Mi PC Suite English version released For Linux and Windows. Download from here (Xiaomi PC Suite)

‘MI’ every one love this word. Why, you already know. Recently Xiaomi launch MI PC Suite in global language (English) for windows users. MIUI gives more flexibility than other OS. How to install MI PC Suite: First Download the setup file from here. Make sure you have a account on mi website. after download the setup file double click on this, a set up process is start. image look like this: After successful installation you have a gateway to feel a live dragon in your system. connect your mi via usb to the system. Here you can manage your all[…]

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How to start a Computer (PC) via LAN Through Wake-on-LAN

Many users are connected each other via LAN (Local Area Network). They use all services like File Sharing, Printer Sharing etc. A small problem is occurred when a user want to give some print commands to another computer, which are connected to Printer. or he want to access a file which is located on another computer, And the particular system shutdown on that duration. Then what option available for the user. A old way, User go to the target computer and start the system manually. This way is so old fashionable.Now a days Wake-on-LAN  service available, through this service  we[…]

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How to Extract/Unzip .tar Files in Linux

Today’s many files are available on web in compressed format. The files may be images,videos, documents,source code of projects etc. Some compressed formats are very popular like .zip, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, etc. So our this tutorial is based on Extract procedure of compressed files in Linux. The .tar compression technique mostly used for Linux user, many Linux software are come in compressed (.tar) format. For example your new internet dongle drivers for Linux,your printer drivers,any other third party software, these are available in compressed format. What is tar files: A TAR file is an archive file that contains one or more[…]

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Kali Linux Full Installation Guide (Step by Step)

Now a days everyone want to use Linux. but they don’t know how. so we provide a complete Guide on Linux installation. This tutorial is based on installation of Kali Linux on Virtual Machine.You can run Linux via two way, First is You install Linux on Virtual Machine and Second is you install Linux on System HDD.Download Kali Linux:First Download the Kali Linux ISO File. Click here to Download Kali Linux ISO File If you want install Kali Linux in your system hard disk or Dual boot with Kali Linux, Then Make a bootable DVD or USB. If you don’t[…]

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