Fraud | Good | Bad | Scam, All you want to know

Hello users, hope you are doing well. Today we talk about website. Here we talk about their services which they offer to their lucky customers. They claim that they deliver assured gift to their selected users when users buy some items from their website . According to their sales team users shopping amount must be greater than Rs. 3500/-. Once you crossed your cart with the amount of 3500/- then check out and then they deliver your product with the assured gift. You know what assured gift Apple iPhone 6s, Samsung LED, Samsung washing machine, Air conditioner etc. So how[…]

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How to login in Gmail when 2-Step Verification enabled and phone lost

Hello Google users, Today we talk how to recover Gmail account when you can’t able access your phone and you already enabled 2-Step verification. In that case, you won’t be able to login in your Gmail even you know the password but you can’t do anything. This problem faced by many Google users. So don’t worry Google has a solution for you. So today we discuss all possible ways to recover your Gmail account if you lost your phone. In the 2-Step verification, Every time when you log in to Gmail, Google sent an OTP (one time password) to your[…]

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How to Format Write Protected Pen Drive/ USB Flash Drive – Easy Way

USB storage device in short Pen Drive. We all use this storage device for our basic usages. Pen Drive play an important role in our daily life. This USB storage device very useful when we want to move our data one device to other devices.  A serious problem occurred if our pen drive converts in write protected device. It means now you can’t able to format this pen drive. Even you can’t write on it. Now you just able to copy data from this pen drive. In this case, a normal format function also not worked on that pen drive. So[…]

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